For Buyers
Frequently asked questions
1. It is often said that the juices in the tetra packages are not natural. Is it true?

Unlike fresh juices the tetra package juices from natural fruits and vegetables go through a more difficult process.
Fruits and vegetables for the industrial production of juices are harvested at their habitats: oranges are in Brazil; pineapples are in Thailand; tomatoes and apples are in Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The fruits collected at the time of their greatest maturity are promptly delivered to nearby juice plants, checked, cleaned and put under press. Directly squeezed juice which is fresh, is extracted from fruits and vegetables - using special technology. Then, excess water is evaporated from the generated juice by leaving approximately 1/5 of the initial volume of the product. The resulting dense mass resembles honey or cream in its consistency. This is concentrated juice, or concentrate. Packed in aseptic containers, in their thick, "non-drinking" form the oranges, mangoes, grapefruits, pineapples and other exotic concentrates reach us.
The concentrated juice is restored at our factory - as much water as was evaporated before is retuned. So this is how we get 100% juice which is called restored. Then it is heated, pasteurized and poured into sealed cardboard bags.
2. What is the difference between juice and nectar?

Juice and nectar are both juice products. The main difference is that there is no sugar in the juice. The second difference is the fruit component content: in the juice it is 100%, and in nectars it ranges from 25% to 99%. There can be several reasons for making juice or nectar from these fruits.
For example, “pure” juice of cherry, lemon, currant or cranberry is almost impossible to drink - they are very acidic and harsh. Sugar syrup is added to such juices to improve the taste characteristics and this is how we get nectar. There are non-juicy fruits such as banana, peach, mango or papaya. Due to a reason that the juice is practically can not be squeezed, we get puree from such fruits, which is impossible to drink. Therefore, puree must be diluted with water, sugar syrup or other more liquid juices.
Nectars are less concentrated than juices, respectively, they are easier to drink, better quench thirst and therefore many people like it. We always take into account the tastes and wishes of our consumers, therefore we have nectars in our portfolio as well.
3. Is fresh juice healthier than packaged juice?

There is no doubt that freshly squeezed juices are healthy. However, it is advisable to produce fresh juices in the countries where fruits grow. We do not have such an opportunity, since there are no gardens, and exotic fruits are not available to us due to climatic conditions. Therefore, we restore juices from concentrated juices and puree.
4. Is it true that Glass is the best packaging for juice?

There are three main types of containers for filling finished juices now including glass, plastic and cardboard containers. It is obvious that glass is the most traditional packaging material and until recently, glass containers were indeed the predominant type of packaging for juices. Now, glass jars and bottles have alternative packaging materials such as cardboard packages and plastic bottles. The advantages of glass packaging: it is environmentally friendly and there is an option to reuse containers. At the same time, juice in glass weighs more and there is always a risk of breaking a jar or a bottle. In addition, glass packages does not protect the juice from the damaging effects of ultraviolet rays.
For liquid products packaging including juices better to use special food plastic. The PET format has such positive qualities as an affordable price, strength and lightness.
A cardboard package or rather a combined Tetra Pak carton package has several advantages: it preserves the color, texture, natural taste and nutritional value of liquid products and it is easy to handle, especially for home consumption. A cardboard package is a complex material: cardboard is outside, less than one hundredth millimeter thin aluminum foil is inside, and a polyethylene film between them .This packaging structure protects the juice contained in it from light, foreign smells and moisture. It was the Tetra Pak cardboard package that became the innovation that allowed the best protection of the juice from environmental influences.
5. Is the juice color important? How many vitamins are in the juice?

The juice color is not only important but also a clear indicator of its individual useful properties. Each color is encoded with a unique set of vitamins, minerals and other substances. Everybody knows that people should eat at least 400 grams of fruits and vegetables every day.
This is a vital minimum that can significantly reduce the risk of many diseases including diabetes and obesity. The daily vitamin minimum is divided into portions - 80 grams. Thus, 5 portions per day shall be taken. A “portion” may be, for example, a medium-sized fruit or vegetable, a bowl of salad, a handful of prunes or a glass of juice. The Five a Day program contains another recommendation: the “portions” should be colorful. That is, the above four hundred grams should contain the fruits of different color groups. In this case, we are guaranteed to get a complete set of useful substances - vitamins, micro and macro elements, dietary fiber. There are five color groups in total: red, orange (yellow), white (brown), green and blue-black. And it is precisely by the color of the fruit (or the color of the juice) one can judge the vitamin and mineral content in it.
Juices of red fruits such as cherries, strawberries, tomatoes, watermelons, raspberries or radishes normalize the work of the cardiovascular and urethra systems, significantly increase efficiency and improve memory.
Carrot, peach, lemon, apricot, orange - orange-yellow juices strengthen the immune system, increase the adaptive capacity of the body and are responsible for visual acuity.
White juices of banana, garlic, onions, melons, white peaches stimulate the central nervous system, increase mental and physical activity.
The juices of the green group, for example, green apples and grapes, kiwi, avocado, broccoli and cabbage, have the property to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood, normalize digestion, remove slags and excess water from the body.
6. Is it true that Pepsi is able to dissolve eggshells and that a drink corrodes tooth enamel and that rusty or calcareous deposits can be cleaned with Pepsi?

Not everything that is written on the Internet can be trusted. Pepsi does not contain ingredients that can be compared to cleaners that clean stains or dissolve shells. All of these allegations are fiction for entertainment and nothing more.
7. Does the combined use of Mentos sweets and Pepsi provoke an explosion in the stomach?

The misconception became widespread after numerous amateur videos on the Internet with people who add Mentos sweets to their drinks just for fun. This provokes a reaction causing Pepsi to shoot into the air.
Mentos has a porous surface on which, if the sweet is in a carbonated drink, carbon dioxide bubbles begin to form. During the immersion of Mentos to the bottom of the container additional bubbles appear by causing rapid pressure appearance in the bottle. A sudden increase in pressure pushes all the fluid up.
8. Which tea is better?

Each consumer chooses individually which tea is more pleasant based on preferences in aroma, brewing convenience or strength of tea. As tea manufacture experts we will help you to understand the categories of tea.
Granular tea. In the production of granular tea, tea leaves are passed through special kinky rollers that break them and then twist them into balls. A drink from this tea is more strong and rich.
Leaf tea. In the production of leaf tea, tea preserves the original appearance of the leaf. It is processed without violating the integrity of tea leaves. With this processing method the tea is more aromatic, pleasant, not very harsh to taste. It is recommended to drink without milk.
Packaged tea. Small fragments of tea leaf are used in its production. The smaller the size of the tea leaf, the faster it is brewed and gives a strong rich taste. Sometimes the price for tea bags is higher than for granular or loose tea. This is due to the complexity and duration of production technology.
9. What is the difference between Indian, Ceylon and Kenyan tea? 

Indian tea has a special extractive, full of harsh taste and pleasant aroma. It has a long sweetish aftertaste.
Ceylon tea grows mainly on high mountain plantations and has a strong, pleasant aroma. Ceylon tea has a delicate lemon tint, full of extractive harsh taste. Its extract is bright, transparent and reddish.
In Kenya, tea grows in highlands located 1500-2700 m above sea level. The higher the tea grows, the more it is aromatic and tender. The extract is bright amber red and the color with milk is bright golden. It is the flavor and color of the extract of Kenyan milk tea that our consumers enjoy the most.
10. What parameters determine the quality of tea (good or bad)?

What does this mean if brown marks remain on the cup after tea? Tea appearance should be uniform in size, not contain impurities and dust. As for taste it should not have extraneous aftertaste. Color should be bright and sparkling. It should not be dull and dark.
If after brewing, after a few minutes, the tea in the teapot becomes cloudy - this is a sign of very good and strong tea which has a quality to form “tea cream”. It can be clear again after adding boiled water.
If a film forms in the cup during brewing and dark traces remain in it after drinking tea, then it means that when brewing the water with high hardness was used.
11. Шайда бояғыштың болуын қалай анықтауға болады?

To check for dye in tea add a slice of lemon to the brewed tea. If there is no colorant, the tea lightens, becomes lighter and yellowish. If dye is added to the tea, the color of the tea does not change. Another way to detect dye is to brew tea in cold water. Tea with dye is easily brewed and acquires a bright color. Natural tea is not brewed in cold water.
12. How to make right tea?

There is a classic way to brew tea: rinse the kettle with hot water before brewing. Pour tea at the rate of 1 teaspoon to 1 cup of water (about 200 ml). Pour fresh boiled water and let it brew for 5 minutes. Bring to the required strength (weak, medium or strong) and add hot boiled water, if necessary.
13. Why do you use PET packages - this type of packaging is harmful to the environment?

We actively support the environmental programs and our production technologies exclude any emissions to water and atmospheric air. As for the PET packaging issue we are also very careful. But market conditions at the moment are still mainly on the side of PET packaging. PET is the most convenient out of all types of packaging for our products.
- Imagine if you need to buy 100 liters of juice. And will they all be in glass bottles? Will it be convenient for you? Probably not. That is why we use plastic. It is not fragile like glass which can break in a purse or in a car. Plastic was invented at the beginning of the 20th century for the humans’ convenience. Now we have learned, that plastic can be environmentally friendly. Therefore, every year we try to use plastic materials with a lower weight. For example, if five years ago one PET bottle weighed 0.5l 26-28gr, now it weighs 18-22gr. The lid weight decreased from 3.2 g to 1.7 g for non-carbonated products and the trend towards weight loss continues.
14. Why does specific sound typical to carbonated products when unscrewing bottles appear with the non-carbonated water?

When unscrewing the bottles with non-carbonated ASU, Piala Ice Tea, NS PET products you can hear typical sound as a carbonated product bottle is being opened. This sound is due to the presence of nitrogen in the product. Nitrogen is added by technology at the very last stage of bottling after filling and immediately before sealing the bottles. Nitrogen is an inert gas that does not react with the product but only fills the upper empty part of the bottle. Nitrogen is absolutely harmless. It performs two functions: by filling the top of the package it displaces air and provides microbiological safety; protects the bottle from deformation during transportation, making it resistant and hard.
15. Why when adding milk to hot tea or coffee white grains float in a cup?

White grains of milk in tea is a spoiled milk sign. White grains are often a sign of good quality. An important indicator of quality is the fat content in milk. Onу can find different types of milk on shop shelves, with different percentage of fat content, from 0.5% to 6%. Particles of milk fat in tea when using milk with a fat content of 2.5% to 6% can float; they dissolve easily after mixing with a spoon. In order to avoid grains, a pack of milk must be shaken before use and this will help dissolve the upper settled layer of fat.
Another reason is non-compliance with storage conditions. Inappropriate conditions can lead to stratification of the milk, when the fat is separated from the product and accumulates along the walls of the pack in the upper part of the package. In this case, when we pour milk into tea, the fatty grains remain undissolved for a long time and float to the surface.
16. What is the reason for sediments occurrence in the Piala Ice Tea? 

Sometimes one can see sediments in Piala Ice Tea. No need to be scared. Tea extract, when interacting with minerals that inevitably exist in water, can precipitate in natural sediment. We warn about this on the label. (one can show a sample of tea with sediment)